By Mohammed Amin
30 August 2010
It is always a shock when you regard something as self-evident and then come across someone who believes the opposite. It forces you to analyse your belief — you can no longer Read more…
Living Islam 2011. Please invite your friends and family. Your help is greatly appreciated.
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9 Reasons To Attend:
1. For your children and their future:
A dedicated ‘0-5 yrs PlayZone’ will keep your little ones entertained. The Read more…
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The climate of suspicion towards American Muslims compromises the great values the United States of America was founded upon.
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Are you ready for Ramadan 2011? Let’s prepare for Ramadan together at the Living Islam 2011 Festival this summer on 28th to 31st July.
In Summer 2011, will you be Living Islam?
By Tehmina Kazi
Director, bmsd
The issue of campus extremism is never far from the spotlight, and the Government’s recent review of the “Preventing Violent Extremism” strategy has once again brought it to the fore. A myriad Read more…
By Sheikh Muhammad Amin Evans
Some comments from Shiekh Muhammad Amin Evans of the Britslam Partnership regarding a few issues that came up during the AOBM / NUPSA conference, United for Pakistan held on Monday at Portcullis Read more…
Today is the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia and AOBM would like to make a small contribution to this important day. Here is a short correspondence between Paul Salahuddin Armstrong, Co-Director of the Association of British Read more…
Wishing everyone a Happy Beltane, from our team at the Association of British Muslims!
Beltane is the anglicised spelling of Old Irish Beltain, Scottish Gaelic Bealltainn, the Gaelic name for either the month of May or Read more…